I am not sure, but I really don't think that I am the only person in this whole wide world that finds it hard to fall asleep. So I as lie down, last night, to try and fall asleep, like always millions, really like zillions, of things go through my mind, I do not have time to tell you all that went through my mind, but the one thing that sticks out the most to me is that I really need to blog something everyday (well at least during the week, and when weekends permit it) even if I have nothing to blog about I could tell you what I heard, seen, or what happened to me that day.
So that is what I vow to do. So as I come to my profile today, I find that I have 2 new more followers, and I am sure the other followers have stopped coming by my blog since there is never anything else new to read. So hopefully, although boring at sometimes, I will blog something!
It's friday, WOOHOO! To start out with. My trip to take my son to school today was quiet and not much happened. I drop him off and then I head to the office. On friday, I only have to work half a day, so fridays I so much don't mind getting up on these days. It was slow, and I think I maybe answered the phone about 6 times. I answered one email. And made one phone call to a client. And before I knew it it was quitting time.
I got home, changed clothes, and put a wash in the washing machine. I got me a drink and plopped my butt in front of my PC. My TV that I have in my room where I play on the PC and watch tv, has conked out. OH LET ME TELL YOU WHAT A BUMMER THAT IS! So I sit here and bang on the keyboards and instead of watch/listen to the tv, I have but no choice to just listen to the radio. So right now Rush Limbaugh is on, hold on I need to change the station, I can't take his ranting today. Okay thats better! Since my tv stopped working on me I found a new radio station (local) with John Tess, ever heard of him? Well he gives you everyday tid bits about things that you may have not known, its pretty cool. And plus they play some oldies but goodies, music I have not heard in a long time. "American Pie" is on right now, just so you kinda get the jest of what type of music it plays.
Tonight we were invited to a crawfish boil, so I am excited about that. Who could'nt be excited about all you can eat crawfish and all the beer you can drink?? Yes, tell me? I thought so! Yea!
Tomorrow my son is in a baseball tournament, and my husband, who is the coach of the team, will not be there, due to a prior promise to play in a golf tournament. Relay for Life. So it is for a good cause, I cant get too mad at him. Or could I? Ha no, I will take our son to the tournament, and like it! Just cause I can. And besides I have to. Funny!
Nothing but church on sunday, and maybe we will barbeque who knows, if I dont have anything to write about on Monday, I will tell you all about our crawfish boil, the 2 tournaments and our lazy day Sunday. I am sure you all can barely wait to hear about that. *really you can laugh*!
Do you really think that things happen in three's? Well I am beginning to think so, this is what has happened to us, one after the other! First: Brakes out in truck Second: TV conks Third: My digital camera wont work. Which means the money that we had to spend to fix the brakes, means NO new TV or DG Camera, at least for a while. *sign* Sympathy is always welcomed!
Anyone out there got any three's that happened to them?
Peace out everyone!
My deepest sympathy to you! And yes, things do happen in threes! And I don't even want to think about how many "threes" have happened to me in my lifetime! Good for you for committing to blogging more often . . . more interesting reading for me!
ReplyDeleteAnd I never get enough sleep . . . my mind's too active!
Awe thanks! Well in all three things that go wrong, three things are going to happen for the best. 1-friend told me I could have there tv that they dont use. 2-getting a free trip to New Orleans. Now I am waiting for the number 3, lol!