Thursday, May 27, 2010
Missed Wednesday
Well Wednesday was not too wacky, I stayed at home, was not feeling well. I am all for not having to go to work but I would rather have to go than to be sick and have to stay home. You all know the pretend sick days are the best. But in this case and in most, I was really not feeling well. I have not been for a while. Anywho, I made it to work today. Not all better only made it half a day!
So guess WHAT? Yeppers, you guessed it, Thirsty Thursday is not going to happen, well at least not for me. BooWhooo!
So to all those out there enjoy!, your drinks are on me!
Oh and I did forget to tell you all, that Tuesday was his last day of school, because he got exempt. He is very delighted! But at first his coach thought it would be funny to tell him that his name was not of the list, he asked again, "Oh wait what is your name again? Oh here it is!" My son did not think it was too funny, oh if it amused his coach, all the better for him, hmph! as my son would say! The other students that did not meet the requirements for the exemption, their last day of school is this friday. So Happy Summer to all those out there, out already or about to get out!
But Wednesday when I got up, I felt like crap. What a way to celebrate not having to get my son ready for school and it is all about me. But I just could not make it to work that day. I called in sick. Spent most of the day in bed and the bathroom, ha-quit laughing-I hate it when bugs are going around. Where the heck did I pick it up at? Oh well I am better today but not 100% but I will live, if only, just for the long weekend ahead! WOOHOO. I will have to will myself BETTER fast.
No big plans for me this weekend. But I will be going fishing on saturday to add to the fish we caught a couple of weeks ago in a fishing tournament that I, my son and hub were in. Son got 1st for big Bass and second in catfish. Oh dont ask, ha, no me and hub didnt do as good as him. But we all had fun.
Back to the fishing, well the fish that we caught in the fish tourney, we decided to do a fish fry on sunday for the father in law, so we need to add to the fish that we already caught, and we have the perfect place to do it, so we will be going there on saturday! Can't wait!
So what are your plans for this up and coming Memorial day weekend? And of course, all my thoughts, prayers and thank you's will be in the back of my mind, for all those out there fighting (those that lost their lives) for our safety and protection and freedom!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
This boy went to school everyday after day just to bullied by these older young boys. It finally reached its boiling point when these 5 older young boys made him do the unspeakable. What, well they told him that they would leave him alone if he got a tattoo, and if he didnt, the father said that his son that they would beat the crap out him. So what do you think this young one would do, he said he would get the tattoo if they promised to leave him alone ( mind you I am using my perspective as to what he was thinking). What was the tattoo that they wanted him to get, you ask?
Well it was an outline of the male productive part. Then after that torture was done, there was a crowd out to see the tattoo, and these 5 boys made him to drop his pants, you know in these days and ages there are immediate camera devices, and someone took pictures of the tattoo. Needless to say that the father said that the boy was doing fine, till all this went public, but now he is in a bad state of mind.
I say this is so sad, not to mention extremely disturbing. In the comment section, in which I agree also, these boys need to learn a lesson, not only to pay for the removal of the tattoo, but to me this is got sexual pedophile wanna be's written all over it. And they need to be stopped NOW!
The boy in question has an attention deficit order and has been habitually bullied by older students. It is sad but usually the unpopular and mentally or physically challenged are usually the targets for these bullies. So please if your child is suffering please watch for the warning signs, at least in this story there was no suicide attempt or reporting of a useless, senseless loss of a young ones life.
We all need to pay attention more, along with all school officials! Keep your ears open and report what you hear! In this report teachers did over hear students talking about this and this is how it came to light, so I am glad that the teachers did speak up. They cant be all ears, eyes but when they do hear something they should come forward. Kudos to them.
My son was being bullied, but I am glad that he is not afraid to tell me, so I beg you to watch out! Needless to say he is NOT bullied anymore. There are ways to nip this in the bud really quick. In closing I want to wish all best to the young boy and his parents. In time all will be healed, take extra special care of him!
Have you ever been bullied? I have. It's not all that great, so do unto others as you wish to be treated.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Real Men of Genius • Mr. Professional Figure Skater
Here are the radio commercials that I find funny. I have put together my own little sumethin sumethin, so I dont claim to have any parts of this commercial, I just wanted to write a little diddy of my own for us bloggers! Also, I dont claim to be too funny, or clever, this is just me on a saturday afternoon, even before popping up my own nice cold bud light, HA! So here it is! Listen at the sametime you read it, well if you can do two things at one time, *chuckles*!
Bud Light Presents: Real WO-Men if Genius!
Today we Salute YOU: Mr & Mrs Professional Blogger Writers
While lesser of stalkers who just read blogs YOU spend countlass hours of typing trying to be witty, funny, smart, sexy and all those things you know your not.
You practiced and practiced, hoping, knowing that one day you would be noticed. Write a book and get published. Gain mega many viewers/followers and your a Blog Pleaser!
Mess up and forget to use spell check and get your fingers smacked with that big ol ruler (commenters, you professional blogger writers, know what I mean) But You're still a Blog Pleaser!
So crack open a nice cold Bud Light! YOU may never be a published book writer author But you Know your still loved in Bloggersville!
So keep on keepin on and blog away!
HaPPY SaTURday everyone! CHEERS!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
"I wanna get lost in your Rock N Roll!
Since there is no tv's in my house, well but ONE! I have been listening to the radio more. My son and I have always listened to our favorite radio station in the mornings on the way to drop him off to school, and then myself off to the office. Our favorite in the morning talk show is with Roula & Ryan, 104 KRBE (Pop rock). They tell top stories from the net, and they also do advice forums, and other things. My son likes to hear the new scoops or what is the most used device by people (things like that), and so on.
Now we have found another station KTEX 106 (country) that we listen to first, when we get in the truck, to head out to school (well actually I listen to this station in the morning while I get dressed, since I cant listen to Good Morning America-hence since I dont have a TV). They are playing a game, Armadillo, HI LO! If you can guess what amount of money is in the bank you win it, people call in and give an amount and they tell you either Too HI or Too LO. Yesterday afternoon someone won, $212.56 (my son's guess was $212.12, so he would have been close, but hey first you got to be the 12th caller, yeah righ, Ha!). So this morning they started out all over again. The guess was 267.56 or something like that, but it was too HI. So guess we will have to tune in again tomorrow morning to see what the guess were. I will let you know if we ever win. Ha, doubt that! But HEY the money I could use to buy a new TV!
And now that I am writing this I am listening to yet another radio station, 94.1 it plays old classic pop/rock songs. Like, can you believe right now it is playing " Your the one that I want" Yes thats right, Hilarious, Olivia-Newton John. OH Man talk about bringing back memories of the movie "Grease", am I giving away my age?! Now thats funny, I dont care who you are! But really I am not that old. It was a good movie and I think most teenagers would know what movie I was talking about IF it came up in conversation. Anywho to my point I listen more for John Tess, and I know I have mentioned this in another post of mine. But really nothing exciting happened to me today.
I really do like all kinds of music, and I am sure getting my share of it lately. So tell me what kind of music do you like the most?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What are YOU doing?
I am typing this as I am on a table in a six hand man tourney, and its funny they have no idea that I am writing on my blog as they slllllllllllllooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwly bet their hands, geeez I hate that@! Slow tables really test my nerves, but I try to be good. HA! But sometimes I am not so sweet as I know I can be and as I am told that I am. Hysterical, I know.
And now someone on the table is calling someone a punk, for sitting out. Oh well this is really going no where, but if you like to play Hold'em I play on Pokerstars, everynight, not advertising, its just the site I like.
Till we meet again, with whatever you are doing?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I'm so tired!
Water and an aspirin, I am better now. I make lunch. Fried chicken coconut fingers, rice and string beans. Sorry no photo, no camera, see earlier post. The day is not over I have to get ready to go a graduation party, I would rather just say comfortable, but I cant we have to show up for these special people that took it to the next level and graduated to become the next generation. Congrats to Michael & Tracie.
See it wasnt that bad I am home now. Tomorrow is just another day. YEA! Till then.
Friday, May 14, 2010
I could not sleep
So that is what I vow to do. So as I come to my profile today, I find that I have 2 new more followers, and I am sure the other followers have stopped coming by my blog since there is never anything else new to read. So hopefully, although boring at sometimes, I will blog something!
It's friday, WOOHOO! To start out with. My trip to take my son to school today was quiet and not much happened. I drop him off and then I head to the office. On friday, I only have to work half a day, so fridays I so much don't mind getting up on these days. It was slow, and I think I maybe answered the phone about 6 times. I answered one email. And made one phone call to a client. And before I knew it it was quitting time.
I got home, changed clothes, and put a wash in the washing machine. I got me a drink and plopped my butt in front of my PC. My TV that I have in my room where I play on the PC and watch tv, has conked out. OH LET ME TELL YOU WHAT A BUMMER THAT IS! So I sit here and bang on the keyboards and instead of watch/listen to the tv, I have but no choice to just listen to the radio. So right now Rush Limbaugh is on, hold on I need to change the station, I can't take his ranting today. Okay thats better! Since my tv stopped working on me I found a new radio station (local) with John Tess, ever heard of him? Well he gives you everyday tid bits about things that you may have not known, its pretty cool. And plus they play some oldies but goodies, music I have not heard in a long time. "American Pie" is on right now, just so you kinda get the jest of what type of music it plays.
Tonight we were invited to a crawfish boil, so I am excited about that. Who could'nt be excited about all you can eat crawfish and all the beer you can drink?? Yes, tell me? I thought so! Yea!
Tomorrow my son is in a baseball tournament, and my husband, who is the coach of the team, will not be there, due to a prior promise to play in a golf tournament. Relay for Life. So it is for a good cause, I cant get too mad at him. Or could I? Ha no, I will take our son to the tournament, and like it! Just cause I can. And besides I have to. Funny!
Nothing but church on sunday, and maybe we will barbeque who knows, if I dont have anything to write about on Monday, I will tell you all about our crawfish boil, the 2 tournaments and our lazy day Sunday. I am sure you all can barely wait to hear about that. *really you can laugh*!
Do you really think that things happen in three's? Well I am beginning to think so, this is what has happened to us, one after the other! First: Brakes out in truck Second: TV conks Third: My digital camera wont work. Which means the money that we had to spend to fix the brakes, means NO new TV or DG Camera, at least for a while. *sign* Sympathy is always welcomed!
Anyone out there got any three's that happened to them?
Peace out everyone!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Take a trip with us to the casino
Skip 2 months, forward. Mine you this was 2 months ago when we planned this. And BOY, I could'nt wait, and those 2 months took forever. But WELL worth the wait. Mind you I was ready to leave on that friday, but since it was on the spur of the moment kinda thing. They had a golf tournament that they had to play in on saturday. SO, our plan was to for them to go and play, they would ride with another player that they were playing with on their team. And I would come and pick them up later.
So I sit and wait for their call, as to when they were almost finished with their holes. They left in the early morning, before the sun rised. I was up not to much after that, yes I was excited, and sleeping was the last thing on my mind. Simple things get me excited, like a kid getting to go to Disneyland, I know all of you know what I mean, I'm sure you have seen one of their commercials.
Hours later, my cell phone rings. And it is THE CALL, I have been waiting for all morning into mid noon! I am all packed and ready to go. So I am on my way to go get my crew. Thought I would never get there, and mind you, that I had no clues as to where they were playing. So I am driving thinking, uhmnn, did I pass the road that I was supposed to turn. NO! Whew. As they had they gave me a clue to be looking for a log cabin fenced in on the left and after I see that take that next road to the right. Let's just let me tell you, you did'nt have time to blink and there was the turn I needed to take. Thank goodness no one was behind me. If you know what I mean.
So down that road, I went. I pull into the parking lot of the country club, wandering where the heck they were. So I pulled into a parking space, got out of the truck. Then I hear someone yelling and I am looking to the left to the right, wait isnt that a dance, ha! And I finally see them and they are on their last hole of the tournament. Come to find out they thought it would take me longer to get there so they decided to play that last hole just for fun.
There they are they all pulled up in their golf carts, unload there clubs. I had to pee! So as I walk up to them, she hands me a birthday card. Thanks! And by the way where do I go, I have to go!!!! It was a long drive I tell you, well maybe all the diet cokes I drank all morning more or less that did the trick. Okay I am done, go to the truck and unload out of one truck into our truck, and we are almost on our way.
This go here and that goese there. It might rain so we needed to make sure the clubs were protected. Well after all it did not rain on us the whole way there, but better safe than sorry. Clubs dont come cheap, ya know. We had a good trip up there, a couple of stops, here and there, so now we are at our final destination. Yeah! Drop off part of our crew, they were staying the night in a different hotel than we were. And now we head to our stop. Get unpacked, chill and now time to head to the casino.
Let's just say the casino liked us that first night. But I had fun, no matter. Sometimes you have to pay for your entertainment, what the heck, anywhere you go, just as long as you have the money to spend for your good times.
The next night was better. I love to play Texas Hold'em, but I usually always just play online. I have played a live game before, but never for real money or at a casino. So my goal was to get a taste of it at a casino and for real money. I am glad that I did, maybe I just got lucky with a good table, I could read all the players that night. I didnt win much, but for me I think I did realllll good. I turned $40 into $170.
Now my cell is ringing, come play blackjack with us. Okay I am glad that I got that call. I was down, on my hold'em game, to about $70 and I said last hand guys! So if you are good at math, I won another $70 on that last hand. So it was all good, well for me that is. Been fun guys, good luck.
I head out into the casino to the blackjack tables, but low and behold they were for some reason drawn to another game, it was a 4 hand poker table, so I watched for a while waiting for someone to leave so that I could sit. This table was full of some really funny/stupid/crazily drunk people, so it was not that big of a deal to watch. I finally got to sit, played a couple of hands, won a little, and now it was time to leave. If ya know what I mean, if they are taking your chips, easy, leave. But before we leave, I have to tell you a little somthing that happened that was really funny. You may have had to be there, but nonetheless I thought it was hilarious.
The lady that I was waiting to leave had just ordered a WATER. Yes just a water. And you know what she doesnt drink. Here comes the almost funny part. She opened it, it is time to bet, she takes her hand and places her bet, and as she moves her hand back to side, she hits the full bottle of water and is spills on the table. UGHHH! Game is halted, as the pit boss is called to remedy the situation. Okay, are you ready, getting to the really hilarious part?
How would you fix this problem? Who wouldve imagined that behind the tables in the pit that they would have a hair dryer?! Yep thats right, they do. So Mrs/Miss'es pulls out a hair dryer and she has to bend under the table to plug it in. So down she goes under the table, and the 2 males, well what can you say they are male, and had a few adult beverages, start ewww'ng and awww'ng, HA the whole table is now laughing very loud, and then the pit Misses/Mrs comes up for air, and well, she is not that happy. Can you blame, her? Heck no, it was funny. So now here comes the hilarious part. Have you heard those Bud Light commercials? Well they made up there own little version of it, with a blow dryer, table, water, chips, bud light (of Course), the pit boss'is, cards and how hot it is now, the table is on fire. I am sorry I cannot remember word for word what they said, BUT damned if I didnt wish I had a video of this. I know it would have been a You Tube phenomenon!
Did we make it to the blackjack table? Yes, we did. Played there, mind you, another good table. Got tired there, so we hit the dice table, and got tired there too. Let me clarify, tired=they were taking our money. So back to the blackjack table, and thats where we all ended up. Had a good last run there, it was all good, all fun!
It was LATE, well wait, I mean it was EARLY in the morning, let's say 4am, to be exact and we were leaving the next morning, same morning, and had to be out of the room by noon. So nonetheless we all didnt get to much sleep. It was time to get up just as, it seems, as we closed our eyes. The other crew had already checked out before us and were playing some high limit slots, and were winning, so we met them there. Watched a while, them win, Not us, ha! And we all decided to get something to eat before we hit the road home.
To say that our trip home was uneventfull, is an understatement. Our first encounter, was and I am sure it was just a coincendence, but we were just discussing how good of a driver he was, and not a millisecond it came out of his mouth, there was a little white car that I believe, but now doubt, decided that they needed to get over really fast to exit. So, fine, he slows as almost to a brake, and this car, brakes, moves over and then jerks, and we are still just right behind them, and it is CLEAR that they can move over and exit, but NO they brake again, sway, as to if they WANTED us to HIT them! Insurance fraud, was written all over that! Ok, Man YES you are an AWESOME driver, I take it all back. Futher down the road, lets say it was about 2 hours later, we are just cruising along, and here comes people just flying by us, like we are standing still, where the heck do they have to be in such a hurry? Well I cannot say that the next scene that we saw was one of them, but I can say it is not worth being in hurry to get anywhere, when you might never show up at.
We see flashing light, yes a wreck, thats what we thought. We were right. But not any wreck you see anyday. I swear, this truck must have went air bourne, and do I mean air bourne, this truck was WAAAAAAY up in the tree, and this tree was like 2 houses on top of each other taLL. The truck was resting on the limbs of the tree, so that just goes to show you how big, tall and strong this tree was. How they got it down, I will never know. But I hope whoever it was okay. And if not my sympathy goes out to their family and friends.
We're home, and you know what, there really is no place like home!
Until our next trip!