Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I feel his pain

Hard Lesson to learn, and HOW did this father keep his cool?! I am sure he will not do that again with his other younger daugther that is sitting in her mom's lap. If this were my husband, Oh my, I don't even want to think about what would happen to us. CPS for sure would be sitting at our door awaiting for our arrival, LOL! No but I am sure there would have been some cursing going on. Hold your little ones ears, *rolling my eyes* is what I would be doing, like hey, it is just a ball, I will go buy you one or ten at walmart, and roll it in the dirt a little and hand it to you. Anyone can say, Hey! I caught this foul ball at the game, woohoo, and no one would know if you did or not, well at least thats what I think. Now if it was an autographed bb then I might have a little problem with losing that one. But, Hey, whom am I to say, I am by no means a die hard fan of baseball, I do like it, but I do not get all the hoop da la that goes through all the other die for, fans. I like baseball for 3 reasons: Getting to get out of the house and going somewhere, the beer, and the food (hot dogs & Nachos)! What's not to love?! Go (insert your team)!

Thanks to this Phillies fan to all those other dad's out there, that will think twice about giving their kiddo's the game ball. You learned your lesson to all to see. Here's a Shout out to you Father Phillies fan! Cheers!

PS(I am testing this out to see if I can link)

Oh well I guess not, lol, but as soon as I figure it out I will get it up. *sigh*

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